Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Lama sungguh tidak menulis,sedikit kesibukan hal2 dunia.Kejar dunia untuk akhirat.Nampak nya Malaysia sudah mau menjadi seperti Indonesia...membawa perlembagaan ke jalanan...street justice. Namun siapakah yang menjadi dalang Bersih ini dan untuk apa kah tujuan nya...? Pengundi 'hantu'...membetulkan SPR...? Ketidak puasan hati kepada kerajaan...?

Namun rata2 kalau kita tgk majoriti video dan gambar,majoriti golongan yang hadir pada Bersih ini adalah bumiputera,tidak dinafikan ada juga kaum2 lain yang hadir namun bilangnya tidak sehebat bumiputera ini. Apa sudah jadi...? Siapa yang anjur kan Bersih dan siapa yang merasa air kimia polis...?

No seriously...what do the 'people' accomplished through Bersih this time...? Can anybody list it down for me...? Ada yang meninggal...siap ada video menunjukkan 'police brutality' kerana membiarkan Hamba Allah itu meniggal tanpa sebarang pertolongan...yeap it's not right...the police should give any help that they can...BUT, let say one of the officer come to help,and the 'victim' still passed away...what will the judgement be...? Intentionally killing the guy... incompetence..delaying the helping process...? and so on so forth..

Basically..if u know u're aged and ur health is not as prime as before...u know that u're going to an illegal rally with thousand of people...and anything can happen,on top of that the authority had been warning the public for days...and u still going...so one cannot put the blame on one party only...

Why cant u organize a more 'peaceful rally'...make sure only genuine people that attending.... register and tag them...no trouble makers and no provocateurs...when it's an open invitation...all sort of scumbags and paid trouble makers will be there. Now in some part of the planet,Malaysia is not consider as one of the safest place to be visited. Congratulation BERSIH-ans...u deserve our gratitude for ur sacrifices.

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