Sempena ketibaan Syawal...sudah mula keluar di kaca tv dan koran mengenai kecelakaan yang menimpa kanak2 akibat bahana mercun...yang paling sedih budak berumur 6 tahun yang terkorban akibat stor haram mercun meletup ketika budak berkenaan berada berhampiran kawasan itu....
Budak umur 6 tahun mengikut kawan bapanya ke stor berkenaan....mak dan ayah nya menyembunyikan diri sebelum menyerah diri kepada polis kerana kaitan mereka dengan stor haram berkenaan...betapa kuat nya letupan yang berlaku tubuh kecil itu melayang kelangit setinggi 30 kaki dan tersangkut di dahan pokok...betapa sengsaranya budak yg belum tahu erti kehidupan meninggal seperti bermustautin di Palestin....
Alhamdulillah di taman tempat tinggal saya pada tahun ini semuanya aman..kecuali ada 2,3 insiden yg nelibat kan remaja bermain mercun dan meriam...haaaa meriamm...? Iyyeee meriam..bukan meriam buluh tapi meriam besi setinggi 5 kaki...home made...by the father...and he instructed his son to 'test-run' the canon....so what the son did is together with some friends...they broke into water tank/supply compound by cutting the fence..and test the bloody thing..!! Yeapp..it was fun....exciting... and full of adrenaline hearing the sound effect...
But what about the people that live 30 feet below the ground zero....? Some of them have babies...small children..geting some sleep...? How do these people think of that...? One kid test run a 'gadget' 'bestowed' on him...So out of rage and also full of adrenaline...no owners went there and neigbourly fight happened....but settled peacefully between the teenagers and the adults.
Long story short...if the owners call the police..there will be 2 charges..1 B & E (Break in and entering)....2 illegal activities (firecrackers and so forth)...so in a way these neighbours still consider the well being of these teenagers by not calling the police. Mercun....firecrackers...some people say....tak pe la budak2..lagi pun musim perayaan...Hello brader..kalau you tak kisah org main..jom kita ramai2 pegi main depan rumah you...I nak main jugak mercun bola...tapi takde tempat yang sesuai...depan rumah you sesuai kot...