In the upcoming movie Tron,Legacy sequel for Tron that was released in 1982...Hmmmm almost 30 years ago...long before Jeff Bridges became Jebadiah in Iron Man.
To Avoid traffic jam, we can use this kind of car to 'step' on other cars to cut que...
For those maniac bikers that think public road belong to them....well if u'r riding this bike...the road will belong to you.
Dolce & Gabbana..?

In 10 years time, will this be the 'in' thing among the models...? Hmmm need to think 'flexible' material for variable sizes...hehehehe

Fashion for leisure....? Can students at high school absorp more knowledge if the teachers uniform is like this....? In 20 years time...who knows...hehehehehehe...
Can't wait to watch Tron at my living year ler kot...