Dapat sms dari sape2 ntah:no hp yang mengirim nya +60133263749
'Hi....nak tgk koleksi VIDEO HEBAT saya...? taip ON NISA hantar ke 32226 Pendaftaran FREE! stop out to opt out EWS:03-78063550
Tak tahu la skrg ni org tgh gian mencari duit senang...kalau si penghantar sms nih mcm gambar hiasan sebelah nih nak la juga subscribe... heheheheheh
Ni pulak dari no hp +60126687687
Nie no kwn abg.. - eqhsan-
entah sape2 la yg hantar sms nih...tak keluar ke kt hp dia nama sape yg dihantar sms tuh..?
Ni dari no +60133266102
SYARAHAN PERDANA ANWAR IBRAHIM & Pimpinan PR sempena 2 tahunPentadbiran K'jaan Selangor. Isnin 8/3 8 pm,Std Malawati S/Alam. Semua dijemput hadir & sebar kan..!
Kalau aku sebarkan sapa nak bayar bil telco aku bro...klau dpt claim ok ler bro...klau setakat nak 'berjuang' banyak lagi bro cara nak berjuang...
Ni pulak sms dari jiran setaman mengenai pembayaran sekuriti :
Oh ya! I really forgot about it. I will settle soon.Just quiry,r we still paying RM50. As I seeincrease of residance at AB.
this sms dated : 27.04.2009
Since july 2009 the payment decrese to RM40/mth....Now is already july 2010 and so far this fella still 'forgot'... eventhough he's one of the pioneer at that area...kudos man..!!! keep it up...thank you very much for your support...!!