Memag satu kejadian yang pelik...dan banyak soalan yang munasabah yang boleh ditanya....andaikata mangsa itu bukan Sosilawati...agak2 the culprits still enjoying the money and feeding the exotic animals with human flesh...?
It seems that most of the stories about mob in the movies or tv shows are from real life scums..!! Only with RM2,500 per 'unit' one can hire these so call 'employee' to eliminate anybody from god's green earth.
Is it courage...Is it deperation...Is it pride...or Is it because of 'immunity' given these culprits have no regards for anything....no remorse...no guilt....in fact one of them 'flaunting' jewellery taken from the dead as souvenir...what are they....? Cannibals...? or Apache that took scalps for souvenir...? No racist card is being pulled here....it's like in America...black and latino used to be branded as 'main contributors' in the crime business...why...? Because the means they use get so much publicity from the media....cruelty....inhumane.....and 'illogical'....what we won't do to animals...they can do it to another human being...!!
These people are not hungry....far from poor...desperate...? The need living like a royalty is not considered as desperate my brother from another mother...!!! They killed numbers of prominent figures....millionaires...lawyers...and lay man....somebody else's mother...wife...right in front of their own house...? What T F....are we living in New Jersey....or in Goodfellas...Godfather.... Yakuza....Al Capone...Escobar....?
Yeap...most of us aware that these scums is backed up by certain politicians....even somebody with high rank in the administration..... including law enforcer....local authority....yesss it's a 'networking'....organized crime u may call it...
It's impossible for the authority not knowing who is in 'gang' or gang related or gang key person....the real question is...what are they doing about it...? The public can do so much...but at the end when a case is thrown out from the court due to 'insufficient' evidents....then what...? Pray that the 'accusers' and 'witnesses' also together with their family will have a nice life afterwards....?? Do we in 1Malaysia have witness protection program...?
Sad to say that even when a family man is changing car tyre at the roadside...together with the children....under the hot sun....3 law enforcers passed by on their big white motorbikes....just 'staring'.....and going...and gone....don';t even bother to stop...offering help or anything... THAT is our NATION TRANSFOMATIONS....!!!
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