Semuanya untuk meletakkan 1M setaraf dengan Hollywood...Bollywood...Kollywood...LA..Paris...London...New York...Copenhagen...Seoul etc etc.
1M mengharap kan kemasukan pelancong...foreigners... investment...ke negara ini...Yes..semua nya penting...tapi sometimes filter kena ada...mcm kata staf kt sebuah kilang ler...
1- Is It Must Have
2-Good To Have
3-Nice To Have
It seems that many people forgot that large portion of our countrymen still struggling for 'must have' items....while 'nice to have' group is enjoying their exotic....waste of people's money in items that they don't even need.
Permata...is it must have.....?
Bangunan RM5 bil...is it must have....?
what happen to millions of aliens living in Malaysia...robbing...raping...killing...YO my brother... stop talking RAKYAT DIDAHULUKAN kalau business...kedai2...stalls...marketplace di ibu kota hampir semuanya dikuasai oleh Vietnamese...Burmese... Bangladeshis... Indonesians ... Africans.. dan ntah apa2 bangsa lagi...
KDN...stop bullshitting people with "anggota polis tak cukup..."..."kita akan tubuh kan jawatankuasa khas"...if u'r afraid ur actions will jeopardize ur chance to be numero uno in the future...u better quit now or u'll be selling the country to the highest bidder..regardless who is ur forefathers....!!
Petrol...must have...every single year facing with price hike...one said 1 litre petrol is cheaper than 1 liter mineral water....what the hell....? If so why don't you quit ur minister's post and sell mineral water instead...B S capital..!!!
Agama rasmi is Islam...is it must have festivals that show cleavage's everywhere in national tv...
Monsoon cup....how much profit that the nation earn from it...? or we lavishly spent people's money for non profit events for the sake of 'nice to have'...
What happen to the crystal mosques nowadays....? Anybody accountable for it....? So by having this so called crystal mosques...we can call 1M as Islamic Country...or Hadhari country...?
Did anybody still remember Hadhari...? So much money well spent to advertise this concept to the public...and the results..? Yeapp..money well spent...people's money...so that ur son in law can become billionaire like Zuckerberg...creating money out of nothing...geniuss...
When the 'numero uno' lay out his plan...everybody sooo eager to lick the boots until it become crystal.....Now Patrick Badwi is out...who's in....?
What about secundo.....? Come on...if u want to stay longer as secundo...you really really need to dance using the same music....if not ur off the dance floor....
Use local cars....study in local U's...holiday in our own country...shopping in our own complex...may I ask how many of ur children studying in local schools....? How many times you spend ur holiday in the country....? Except ur formal ride...how many Malaysian cars that you bought with ur own money....?
PLEASEeee.... stop Bullshitting....
Singapore gave out 2.5 months bonus to it's civil servant...
1M give RM500 as a 'courtesy'.....
PRU here we come.....
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